MOSCOW, IDAHO – The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) is pleased to announce the official results of the 2020 ApHC Board Election. The election results have been verified as accurate and final by the election company, Intelliscan.
The following candidates will take their oath of office and begin their duties with the ApHC Board of Directors in January 2021:
Territory II:
Daylene Williams, Henderson, Nevada
Territory III:
Ken Johnson, Dahinda, Illinois
Declared winner via ApHC By-Law Article IV, Section 2, Part F
Territory IV – 4-year position:
Sean Schembri, Myakka City, Florida
Declared winner via ApHC By-Law Article IV, Section 2, Part F
Territory IV – 2-year special election position:
Dave Parlier, Gainsville, Texas
Territory V:
Deb Dyer, Blacksburg, Virginia
Territory VI:
Lori Wunderlich, Newton, New Jersey
The candidates for Territory I received the same number of votes, and therefore resulted in a tie. The candidates for Territory I are Tom Hodges of Dexter, Oregon, and Kama Urton of Circle, Montana. According to ApHC By-Law, Article IV, Section 2, Part G, in the event of a tie, a runoff election shall be held between such candidates. The details of the runoff election will be announced in the coming weeks.
All proposed By-Law Amendments passed, with the exception of the proposed By-Law Amendment #2 regarding Article IV, Section 2. All proposed By-Law Amendments as well as director candidate biographies, can be read at