Riding & Showing
There’s nothing like quite so wonderful as getting on your appaloosa for a quiet winter ride through freshly fallen snow… unless it’s a ride through the wildflowers decorating a spring meadow… or a long ride on a sunny summer afternoon… or a crunchy autumn ride through the fallen leaves.

Winter, spring, summer, or fall…the best part of owning an appaloosa is riding, and with the AYA you’ll have opportunities to do what you enjoy most, and gain recognition and leadership skills at the same time.
Whether you’re a novice rider or someone who’s spent long hours in the saddle, you’re sure to find an activity that appeals to you.
Appaloosa Youth Association–it’s where you want to be.
Novice Youth
Appaloosa Youth Association novice eligibility is calculated by class. You may be eligible to show in any novice class if you have less than 20 points in that group of classes and if you have not won a National or World title in that class. For example: you are eligible to show in novice showmanship if you have less than 20 total combined points in any age group showmanship class and English showmanship class and if you have not won a national or world title in any showmanship class (excluding walk-trot). If you are ineligible for novice showmanship for any reason (such as having earned too many showmanship points), you may still be eligible to show in any other novice youth class if you meet requirements for that class. Once the 20-point total is reached, the youth will no longer be able to show in that novice class at the end of the calendar year. However, these points will not count toward year-end high-point awards or accumulative lifetime awards.
Saddle Log
The Saddle Log Program is a great way for you to earn awards for the time you spend riding your Appaloosa. The program recognizes the personal achievements and benefits of riding on a routine basis. Whether you participate in trail rides, train and compete in shows, ride in parades, perform ranch work, or enjoy pleasure riding, each hour counts toward your lifetime achievement record and enables you to receive recognition and awards from the ApHC.
(ACAAP) Appaloosa Competitive All-Breed Activities Program
The Appaloosa Competitive All-Breed Activities Program was design with the open competitor in mind. If you enjoy competing on your Appaloosa in local competitions such as 4-H shows, open shows, team penning, rodeo, ACAAP is a recognition program for you. Earn points towards year-end awards which will also go on your horse’s permanent record. Contact the ACAAP Coordinator for information and an enrollment form.
Challenged Horsemen & Appaloosa Competition for Independent and Supported Exhibitors (CHAPS) are now ApHC Approved Classes.
The World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show offers supported and independent classes for riders of all disabilities.
Please visit the Appaloosa National Show web page to see what classes will be offered at this years show. Entry forms will be available on the National Show web page prior to the show. Additional information can be found in the show Premium Book or by contacting our Youth Coordinator at: (208) 882-5578 ext. 224 or email: youth@appaloosa.com.
World Championship Appaloosa Show CHAPS Guidelines:
- Open to male and female participants of all ages.
- Open to any breed of horse, registered or unregistered.
- Exhibitors must be current ApHC Members
- All horses must have a current health certificate (within 30 days of the class) and a current proof of negative Coggins (within 12 months of the class).
- Judges will be in the arena, however, each participant will be placed first and receive identical awards.
- Horses that arrive on the grounds the day of the class do not have to be stalled. Horses are not to be tied to any horse trailers. Horses not purchasing a stall may not arrive on the grounds more than 2 ½ hours prior to the class. Horses must be unloaded upon arrival and the horse trailers must be parked in the trailer parking areas.
- Designated areas should be used for unloading, saddling, and any other preparations prior to the class. Barn calls will be made prior to the class to alert exhibitors to approach the paddock.
- If horses arrive on the grounds prior to the day of the class, they must be stalled. Daily stalls may be purchased. Stalls for the duration of the show may be purchased. No late fee will be assessed to stalls purchased for horses that will be exhibited in the Challenged Riders’ Leadline class.
- Exhibitors must report to the show office upon arrival to have their health and Coggins papers checked. Each exhibitor will be given a back number that must be initialed by an ApHC show official showing proof the horse has the necessary health and Coggins papers that allow entry into the class.
Stars & Stripes Summer Spectacular
This annual full-day show for Veterans and equestrians with disabilities is held in conjunction with the National Appaloosa Show each summer. Please contact the ApHC Show Department at show@appaloosa.com for more information on this event. The ApHC would like to thank all the sponsors and donors who make this show possible. If you would like to support Stars & Stripes through the Appaloosa Foundation, please contact the ApHC Marketing Director at marketing@appaloosa.com.

World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show
World Championship Youth Show
Nearly 70 classes are held at the annual World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show, which is held in conjunction with the National Appaloosa Show. Competition includes classes such as halter, game events, pleasure classes and equitation classes.

Team Tournament Competition
The Appaloosa Youth Association Team Tournament will be held in conjunction with the World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show . Existing youth classes will be used to tabulate points. Youth members form teams prior to the show with other members from the same territory. This fun and creative competition allows participants to earn points in the following events:
Team Tournament Information
Speech Contest Information
- Speech Contest
- Two Classes each member chooses to compete in
- Participation in the Team Parade
Special Awards are given to the team with the best:
- Sportsmanship/Team Spirit
The last day of the show, all the teams gather in the main arena to show their team pride and receive their awards.
Speech Contest
Youth may participate in the Speech Contest either as individual or as part of a team. This contest is an option for one member of each Team Tournament Team to earn bonus points, but is also open to any Appaloosa Youth member. There are two age groups (13 & under and 14-18). In addition, each age group has two divisions: Division I—a speech on a pre-determined topic; and Division II—an extemporaneous/impromptu contest.
Team Spirit/Sportsmanship Award
A Team Spirit Award will be given to the Team exhibiting the most Team Spirit/Sportsmanship in the Parade and throughout the Youth World Show.
When the show is over and the stress is relieved, Team Tournament participants get to sport their team colors and parade down the center of the main area. Team spirit, along with consideration of the team’s sportsmanship is taken into consideration for the Team Spirit Award. It is given to the team that is enthusiastic and spirited while remaining kind, helpful, and supportive to show competitors, spectators, and staff.
Other Activities
In addition to the fun in the arena and contests, there are special social parties planned just for youth.
There are also meetings of the AYA Directors and AYA general membership held during the show.
For more information on the Youth World Championship Appaloosa Show visit the Youth Calendar of Events or the National Show webpage.