Endurance And Competitive Trail Riding
Endurance And Competitive Trail Riding
Endurance And Competitive Trail Riding
Are you looking for a venue to challenge you and your horse? Join the friendly competitive spirit of Endurance and Competitive Trail Riding.
Though similar on the surface, these two competitions are quite different. Both are distance rides and both employ veterinarians to monitor the health and well-being of the horse. However, while endurance rides are races to complete a course in the fastest time, Competitive Trail Ride participants must complete the course within a set window of time while being judged on various aspects of horsemanship. Distances may range from 25 to 100 miles.
The ApHC Distance Program records mileage of competitions completed by your Appaloosa to be tallied for awards.
Since 2006, the ApHC has sponsored a National Championship Endurance Ride at various locations around the country. We hope you and your endurance Appaloosa will attend this prestigious event.

Photo by Becky Slocum
Enrollment & Fees:
Reporting Forms:
Current Award & Mileage Standings:
List Of Related Links:
Equine Distance Riding Association (EDRA)
The granddaddy of Endurance Rides – Check it out!
Tevis Cup 100-Miles-In-One-Day Endurance Ride
American Endurance Ride Conference
North American Trail Ride Conference
Upper Midwest Endurance and Competitive Ride Association
Eastern Competitive Trail Ride Association
Southeastern Distance Riders Association
Ontario Competitive Trail Ride Association
Middle of the Trail Distance Riders Association
For more information please contact:
Trail & Distance Coordinator
2720 W. Pullman Road
Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 882-5578 ext. 264
Fax (208) 882-8150