Approved Events/Categories
Approved Events/Categories
Listed below are the categories and a description of the events that have been pre-approved by the ApHC for inclusion in ACAAP. However, if you compete in an event not included in one of these categories, you may request that your event be added by writing to the ApHC Show Department. If approved, however, the event will not be added until the following year.
- Barrel Racing Restricted to the cloverleaf pattern. Includes WPRA and NBHA approved events or events sponsored by your local amateur association.
- Combined Training Includes USCTA-approved events.
- Dressage Includes USDF and U.S. Equestrian-approved events.
- Driving Includes pleasure driving and ADS-approved events.
- English Equitation Includes English style equitation, English horsemanship, walk-trot English equitation, and equitation over fences.
- English Pleasure Includes bridle path hack, hunter under saddle, English pleasure, walk-trot English pleasure, English style longe line, and hunter go-as-you-please.
- Games Includes local, state or national gaming events including pole bending, stakes race, flag picking, speed (straight) barrels, keyhole, ring race, Cowboy Mounted Shooting and other gaming events. Limited to one person events. Team events are not included. (Cloverleaf barrels do not count in the games category.)
- Halter Classes Includes halter and in-hand classes except showmanship and in-hand trail.
- Judged Trail Riding Includes all non-breed association-sponsored competitions.
- Over Fences Includes hunter hack, working hunter, cavaletti, and all variations of jumping except equitation over fences.
- Ranch Competition Includes ranch riding, ranch rail, ranch trail, ranch reining, and ranch conformation classes from open and/or ranch association sanctioned shows.
- Reining Includes snaffle bit, hackamore, open and NRHA-approved events or events sponsored by your local amateur association.
- Showmanship Includes English and western style showmanship and fitting & showing.
- Team Penning Includes all non-breed association-sponsored events.
- Trail Includes all non-breed association-sponsored competitions and in-hand trail.
- Western Equitation Includes western style equitation, western horsemanship, and walk-trot western equitation.
- Western Dressage Includes WDAA and USEF approved events
- Western Pleasure Includes all non-breed association-sponsored events, including NSBA-approved events, western style longe line, and walk-trot western pleasure.
- Western Riding Includes all non-breed association-sponsored competitions.
- 4-H Includes all classes strictly for 4-H members.