How To Report Your Success
When you attend your next competitive all-breed activity, show the world what your Appaloosa can do! When you place in the event, take your exhibitor report form, your ACAAP enrollment card, and a copy of your horse’s registration papers to the secretary or manager. Ask the official to inspect your enrollment card and your horse’s registration papers to verify your participation on a registered Appaloosa. Ask the official to sign the report form, which tells us how you finished in the event and how many horses you competed against. Then return the report to the ApHC within 30 days of the event. Processing fees for the first ten ACAAP shows/judges is included in the enrollment fee. After the first ten shows/judges please include $2 per show per judge with your exhibitor report for merit processing. (NOTE: That’s $2 per judge per show, not $2 per class.)
You will then be awarded merits based upon your placing and the number of horses you competed against. The formulas used to determine the number of merits earned in each event are available in the Official Handbook of the Appaloosa Horse Club. Remember that merits will not be awarded for events that take place before you enroll and become eligible to compete.